Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Robot Crazy!!!

This weekend was robot crazy! I am on a Lego league team and this weekend was our competition. We had four things to do one was of course the running of the robots the second was our presentation for our solution to what ever problem we picked. My team picked milk. The third thing was our robot presentation we showed how the robot worked we ran a couple programs. The last thing was our team work thing we went into a room and there were the judges. We read the instructions on what to do. We had to flip a sheet over while standing on it. We had the biggest team possible which is ten people. So me and a couple other people had to get on some of the older kids on the teams back! It was so fun! Our team won the programming award. Well bye!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

4th of July

This 4th of July my cousin Sadie is coming in town. We are going to swim in my grandma and grandpas lake, going to lake of the Ozarks on Sunday then, on Monday we are going to the parade. Tuesday is my dads birthday. Happy Birthday Dad! Love you.


Aiden, Aiden's friend and I are making a cookbook with recipeces that we made up our selves. There is breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. I have a recipece called pizza burrito, all you need to make it is torta wraps,   cheese, pepperoni and salsa. Put the cheese and pepperoni on the wrap, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds or a minute the put the salsa on it and enjoy.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Aiden's Roller Coaster

 Lately Aiden has been building a roller coaster out of Knex ever since we got back from Cedar Point in Cleveland, Ohio.  Aiden has the frame he just is putting on the track. He has been working on it for a month now. Aiden is calling his roller coaster the Torcher Run.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Garden

This week for school I planted a garden. My garden has a lot of dusty miller in it. Dusty miller is a plant that looks like it has dust on it. I have to water my plants every single day. I planted them on Tuesday which was the first day I went to volunteer.

The Painted Pot

When I went to help out at the Painted Pot there was a summer camp going on call mad about mud. I help roll out clay wash out brushes and fill paint bottles. The camp made pencil holders, plates and vases on the pottery wheel when I wasn't doing anything she had me do the things the camp was doing.  I had so much fun and i'm going to help again on Friday.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Carpenter Week

Last year we went to Michigan for our family vacation, but this year we will have it here in O’Fallon. This year we are going to have a road rally, which is a big scavenger hunt in the car. We will swim in the lake, sleep in a tent, and have a bonfire. One of the days we were going to Six Flags. It will be so fun! At Six Flags I have never ridden Batman but this year I will. We may even go bowling? Who knows? Anyway I can’t wait to see all my family.