Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Robot Crazy!!!
This weekend was robot crazy! I am on a Lego league team and this weekend was our competition. We had four things to do one was of course the running of the robots the second was our presentation for our solution to what ever problem we picked. My team picked milk. The third thing was our robot presentation we showed how the robot worked we ran a couple programs. The last thing was our team work thing we went into a room and there were the judges. We read the instructions on what to do. We had to flip a sheet over while standing on it. We had the biggest team possible which is ten people. So me and a couple other people had to get on some of the older kids on the teams back! It was so fun! Our team won the programming award. Well bye!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
4th of July
This 4th of July my cousin Sadie is coming in town. We are going to swim in my grandma and grandpas lake, going to lake of the Ozarks on Sunday then, on Monday we are going to the parade. Tuesday is my dads birthday. Happy Birthday Dad! Love you.
Aiden, Aiden's friend and I are making a cookbook with recipeces that we made up our selves. There is breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. I have a recipece called pizza burrito, all you need to make it is torta wraps, cheese, pepperoni and salsa. Put the cheese and pepperoni on the wrap, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds or a minute the put the salsa on it and enjoy.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Aiden's Roller Coaster
Lately Aiden has been building a roller coaster out of Knex ever since we got back from Cedar Point in Cleveland, Ohio. Aiden has the frame he just is putting on the track. He has been working on it for a month now. Aiden is calling his roller coaster the Torcher Run.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
My Garden
This week for school I planted a garden. My garden has a lot of dusty miller in it. Dusty miller is a plant that looks like it has dust on it. I have to water my plants every single day. I planted them on Tuesday which was the first day I went to volunteer.
The Painted Pot
When I went to help out at the Painted Pot there was a summer camp going on call mad about mud. I help roll out clay wash out brushes and fill paint bottles. The camp made pencil holders, plates and vases on the pottery wheel when I wasn't doing anything she had me do the things the camp was doing. I had so much fun and i'm going to help again on Friday.
Friday, June 17, 2011
The Carpenter Week
Last year we went to Michigan for our family vacation, but this year we will have it here in O’Fallon. This year we are going to have a road rally, which is a big scavenger hunt in the car. We will swim in the lake, sleep in a tent, and have a bonfire. One of the days we were going to Six Flags. It will be so fun! At Six Flags I have never ridden Batman but this year I will. We may even go bowling? Who knows? Anyway I can’t wait to see all my family.
Camp Ondesank
This summer I will be going to camp Ondesank, it is at Shawnee national forest in Illinois it is a weeklong. I will be doing riflelery, archery, horseback riding, hiking and swimming in a lake. I will get too sleep in a tree house! It will be so fun! There will be a bunch of bonfires. I will make some friends. I think of it as a birthday present from me to me. My birthday is at the end of July and I go to camp on the very last day of July! I can’t wait to go!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Painted Pot
On Tuesday Wednesday, June 21 and 22 I will be helping out at the Painted Pot. The Painted Pot is a place were you go and paint plates and cups and other stuff like that then they'll fire it in the kiln and you get it back. I had to fill out a job application so I could help out there. That means I filled out my first job application at nine years old! We go to the Painted Pot sometimes to paint stuff. When I go to help there will be a pottery wheel class. I have no idea what I will do to help. I can't wait!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
On Wednesday, May 25 we went to Cleveland, Ohio. We had a scavenger hunt for our lunch and went to the pool every day. We went to farmers market and I bought some earrings for $10. They had little sea horses on them. When we were at Cedar Point, the amusement park, we realized that we could ride every ride there. There is a ride called thunder canyon were there are a bunch of waterfalls and you are in a raft and you go under them, we went on it twice and Aiden never got soaked. So on the second ride Aiden sat next to Grandpa who had gotten soaked the first time and his bad luck overpowered Aiden's good luck and a waterfall soaked Grandpa and not Aiden.
Monday, May 16, 2011
A couple days ago i got back from Chicago. In Chicago we had an AWESOME time! O n the first day we got there at 10:00 pm so we didn't really do anything. On the second day we went to get breakfast at a restaurant that had these pancakes called cupcake pancakes. the were cupcakes in the shape of a pancake. Then we got on the L and went to the library and from the library we go on a but to the Adler planetarium. We were there for three hours. When we went there i made a kite, saw how old and how much i would weight on all the planets and, wen back in time to see the astronomy tools of back then. Then we went to the art museum. On the third day we met Megan at the museum of science and industry. We went to the fairy castle, the farm area, weather science and, the trains.
Monday, May 9, 2011
On the Saturday before mothers day me, Aiden, and our friend went camping in our back yard. We had to start a fire in our fire pit to keep warm during the night. Our friend and I woke up at five in the morning and looked in Aiden's tent to find he was not there. We went in to our house and got Aiden and started up the fire again because it was cold. At around seven o clock we made pancakes over the fire. At around lunch time we went over to Aiden's and I's grandparents house and fished. Then we had a water gun fight. Then our friend left. But we weren't done with the fun. I got my Friend and we swam in the lake and then my cousins came over we swam in the lake for awhile then went inside to have dinner. After dinner we had pudding the went out to play football. When me and Aiden got home we collapsed on our beds and fell asleep right away.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Greeks
I love the Greeks i know every Greek god or goddess. My favorite Greeks goddess are Artemis, Athena and Aphrodite. The most known Greek gods are Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Here is a list of Greek gods and goddess that i can remember: Zeus god of the sky, Poseidon god of the sea, Hades god of the underworld, Hermes the messenger god, Apollo god of the sun, Ares god of war, Dionysus god of wine, Hephaestus god of the forge, Aphrodite goddess of beauty, Athena goddess of wisdom, Artemis goddess of the hunt, Demeter goddess of the harvest, Hera goddess of marriage, Hestia goddess of the hearth.
Friday, April 22, 2011
I am learn to speak French because in 2014 we are going to Europe. We will be going to Greece, Italy, Germany, France and Spain. I cant wait to go it will be so fun. i plan on getting a postcard from each place.
My Art Show
On Sunday April 17 I had my art show. I had all sorts of art that i did. I even put in my Lego house. My grandma bought one of my paintings. It was a painting of a vase with flowers on a table. It doesn't seem that awesome when i talk about it but it was there was all sorts of shading in it. it look like you could stick your hand in it and grab on of the flowers. I also had a picture called Kiki (kee-kee). If have seen the movie Kikis adventure, my Kiki looked a little like that.
Natsu is our two year old yellow lab. He is only is two (in human years) and weighs more than me and Aiden combined. He loves to play tug of war (he always wins against me and Aiden), and ball. Our neighbors have dogs too and when ever me and Aiden go out to take Natsu out to play fetch they come up and Natsu keeps playing ball and doesn't even notice that their there, but if he's just playing with us he goes and plays with them.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I have been doing a lot of sewing lately. I have been making bags, wristies, clothing. Lots of stuff. Nana is helping me sew. We got a bunch of material and patterns to make clothes. I will be making two skirts and one shirt.
Anthology Group
Aiden and I with some of our friends are in an anthology group where we write stories. Right now we are working on our contest stories. Mine is called Seeing Ghosts, Aiden's is called Demon Wipe out, our friends stories don't have names. For the contest they said we have to set our story in St. Louis and we have to say barbeque in our story at least once and at least one page. Aiden's story is about a spacecraft of demons that come to St. Louis to take it over. Mine is about two friends who can see ghosts, and they have to save St. Louis.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Why I Started My Blog
The reason I started my blog was because I wanted a web show. I may have a fake commercial to put on here. the commercial is for Zoe's Edible Ink. it comes in four flavors blackberry, raspberry, strawberry and blueberry. I had even made up a website and phone number. It is super funny. I have only made the blackberry edible ink. My web show is to be called Zoe's Awesome Life, just like my blog. I am going to try and make it super duper funny!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I love to read. Right now I am reading Artemis Fowl, Esio Trot, Uglies, The Great Glass Elevator, the last book in A Series of Unfortunate Events and lots and lots of drawing books. The reason I have been reading drawing books is because I am going to have a art show. My goal is to look at an object and be able to replicate it. A Series of Unfortunate events is written by Lemony Snicket. There are twelve other books in the Series of Unfortunate Events. Esio Trot and The Great Glass Elevator are written by Roald Dahl.

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